Some little things going on today

I’m so excited about today! Listen:

Today there are millions all around the world getting their first job,

Today thousands of new products and services are showing up in the market to provide more and more variety to choose from and to add benefits to our lives,

Today there are a lot of people achieving the most amazing, bold, daring goals they have ever imagine,

Today thousands and thousands of people are getting graduated, after receiving lots and lots of comments from others that tried to wear them down,

Today there are endless people realizing they are going to be mom and dad in 9 months,

Today is the day that the doctor comes up to a lot of people and says “you have no longer cancer.”

Today is the day where some really important scientific research is falling into place and creating new methods to cure a lot of sickness that were incurable some time ago,

Today millions are getting married, a lot of adults are learning their first words, athletes are receiving huge prizes for their effort and contribution to the world, little children are adopting little cats and dogs, thousands of coaches are encouraging people to go for their dreams… and a lot of people are having fun!

And you know what? Those events are just a few in comparison with all of the marvelous things happening in the world.

Now know this: Today is not a special day. Today is just a day.

Every day all of these things are happening.

Thousands and thousands of good things will happen tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow, and so on.

Are you ready to face this reality? It is a good reality, isn’t it? 😉


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