An Easy way to Buy Happiness

How much money do you think you need in order to be happy?

Every particle of this Planet has hundreds of people saying that money doesn’t buy happiness. And that’s true. Money doesn’t buy happiness.

So you are right, all the money in the world cannot make you happy.

But let me tell you something. Apart from money there are some other things that you may think you need in order to be happy, and it is conceivable that you are so distracted with the boring mantra “money doesn’t buy happiness” that you don’t realize the other things are the same.

So maybe you don’t think money can make you happy. But let me ask you:

How many friends do you think you need in order to be happy?

How many children do you think you need in order to be happy?

How much success do you think you need in order to be happy?

How many degrees do you think you need in order to be happy?

How much education do you think you need in order to be happy?

How many lovers do you think you need in order to be happy?

How much health do you think you need in order to be happy?

I used to believe that having a lot of friends was the right path to happiness. But I found out it wasn’t. Then I changed my mind and believed that education and degrees could take me to almost enlightenment and finally to happiness, but after dedicating myself to both of them I realized they could not.

Then I discovered something even more interesting:

Happiness is what attracts all of these things. They don’t attract happiness, but happiness attracts them.

It sounds illogical, but that’s the way it is. If you don’t feel happy, or whole, all the friends and lovers and degrees in the world will not be enough to make you happy. But if you feel happy, then you can have just one friend or no friends at all and feel good at the same time, and then all the things you want will come to you.

You see, happiness is at the order of the day. It is free.

That’s what I know. What is that you know? How many things you think you need in order to be happy?

I love you,


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